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Butterfly Valve Gearbox Spares for Butterfly Valves


Focused on the VT range of Butterfly and Gate Valves, Valvetech supplies backup and replacement Spares to accommodate for specific media requirements. The Gearboxes range from DN50 up to DN700, with the ability to supply bespoke sizes on special request, with a 4-month lead time. 

Interchangeable Spare EPDM, Buna-N, and Teflon Liners enable Valvetech to provide a valve solution for every industry requirement. From dry and wet, to alkaline and acidic media, if there is a configuration that a project requires, Valvetech will be able to meet the need and supply timeously. Due to configuration versatility, Valvetech is able to produce the appropriate valve with the required liner for any just-in-time situation.  If a stock item reports low quantities on a specific configuration, Valvetech is able to mix and match according to available Spares on any projects exact specifications.

Spares Range

Butterfly Valve Gearboxes

Weight: 120g – 6.25kg

Sizes: DN 50 – 700

Pressure: PN16

Temperatures: -2°C to 120°C

Butterfly Valve Liners

Sizes: DN 50 – 600

Pressure: PN16

Temperatures: -10°C to 120°C

Spares Availability and Gearbox Price and Liner Price

Please click here to review Valvetech T&C’s. Prices are for Budget Purposes Only and Stock is subject to change – please contact Valvetech to confirm. All prices Exclude Drilling and are Exclusive of VAT. Last Updated: 17/02/2025



Petrochemicals and Petroleum, Refineries, Primary Energy, Agriculture, Water Works, HVAC


Water, Oil, Gas, Steam

Priority Media

Acetylene, Diesel, Epsom Salts, Fertilizer Solutions, Gasoline, Grease, Hydrogen Gas, Lard, Linseed Oil, Mercury, Nitrogen, Oil, Oxygen, Steam, Waxes
