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Valvetech » Uncategorised » Valvetech Crossword Puzzle
All the answers from the crossword puzzle from the last page of the Valvetech Brochure

It doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Sometimes we just want to relax and have some fun. If received our brochure and have completed the crossword, or stuck for an answer, this is where you will find the information. Everything is in our brochure, and if you don’t have a copy and would like one, please email us with your name and postal address, and we’ll happily send you our latest copy.

You can also check out our online version in our Valvetech Brochure page on the Valvetech website.

Here are all the clues:


3) Sector used for electricity generation viaFossil Fuel, Solar, Hydro, Wind and Tidal (6)

4) The primary ingredient in Petroleum, Fueland Bitumen (3)

9) A strategically aligned company that is ableto offer complimentary services to the ValveIndustry (7)

10) A valve used for regulating and throttlingflow (5)

12) Refers to the vast amount of available VTinventory and stock at any given time (8)

13) Delivering a predictable and reliable serviceon the primary foundations of Valvetechwhich continuously delivers on thecustomers’ needs (11)

16) Valve that provides on/off functionality in itssimplest most basic form (4)

19) Valve that is used in On/Off applications thatdo not require throttling (4)

20) Opened in 1978, this company has highquality and stock volumes (9)

22) Interchangeable between EPDM and Nitrileand BUNA-N (6)

23) Efficiently transmits torque and motion fromthe actuator or handwheel to the valve disc,from DN300 upwards (7)

24) Hpb57-3 with exceptional corrosionresistance and durable strength and melts at900°C with a tensile strength of 38ksi (5)


1) Manual lever used to open and close a butterfly valve up to DN300 (7)

2) Sector used for to its abundance of mineralresources and skilled and experiencedlabour force (6)

5) A measure of excellence in ValvetechProducts that aligns with establishedstandards, and one of the core pillars ofVT’s success (7)

6) Industry known for its research and supplyto meet the rising demand of biodegradablesolutions and agrochemicals (8)

7) Filters and removes solids from liquid, gas,or steam lines using a 304 Stainless Steelscreen (8)

8) The Valvetech abbreviation that is cast orvisible on all products (2)

11) Valve that isolates or regulates the flow of afluid, used extensively in Mining (9)

14) A robust Class 125 iron ore (4)

15) Parts available for Butterfly valves in theform of Gearboxes and Liners (6)

17) Valve that prevents backflow and enablesone directional flow of media (5)

18) A high-quality Class 150 iron ore that cantake a knock (7)

19) Industry known for production of Oxygen,Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide etc (3)

20) The products supplied by Valvetech thatconnect every pipe in the water, oil, gas,energy, mining, and chemical industries (6)

21) One of the most natural resources in SouthAfrica, and one that has more of a quality,than quantity, challenge (5)


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